Bowesville site not part of the EA
I went back to read the EA that the city prepared and submitted to the Ministry of the Environment last fall.
It outlined three alternative sites:
1) Walkley
2) Lester (aqua Airport parkway)
3) Leitrim and Albion (on the Provincially Significant Wetlands)
NOT Bowesville
Bowesville is approximately 3 - 4 km down the road, and the EA has a mention of a park and ride on Bowesville road (but not a maintenance and storage facility for 105 train cars).
Rejean Chartrand put up these flip charts with Bowesville outlined as a possibility for a maintenance yard (I suspect sometime after Larry asked for use of the land) and months after the EA was approved by council. The first time I saw Bowesville was at a city presentation on Dec. 8th. They changed all the flip charts and web-sites pictures - but not the EA.
So we all kept talking about Bowesville. But you know what, now Mr. C. may want to put it at Bowesville, but he can't. There was never an EA done for a maintenance yard at that location. The city would be delayed at least three more months before the EA would have that addendum. Regardless the Minister would never allow for an addendum on maintenance yards, now that she knows about the MOU - stating the use of a Brownfield, and the fact that the PWG unanimously decided on a Brownfield.
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