---When: Wed. April 26 - noon
Where: City Hall - Lisgar Street side
What: This is a display of support for the motion submitted by Councillor Doug Thompson, that supports the concept of the OSP located near the Ottawa Airport (more: There will be soccer and frisbee players, musicians and good people. Let's send the message. Vote in favour of Councils motion.
---When: Wed. May 3rd - 5:30 pm
Where: (A) - Meet at Tache and St Joseph at about 5:00pm.
(B) Christ Church Cathedral (420 Sparks Street)
What: Meeting between Interest Groups and the NCC's Board of Directors
First 3 agenda items:
6:30 pm Word of Welcome
I Transportation
6:45 pm 1. Transport 2000
Interprovincial transportation and update on anniversary of Ottawa Station
6:55 pm 2. City Centre Coalition
Interprovincial transit
Details from David Gladstone:
Folks, ... the following was agreed for our May 3rd event: we'll meet at Tache and St Joseph in Hull at 5:00 (or a bit later) and walk along the railway corridor to the north end of the Prince of Wales railway bridge where we'll firmly restate our long-standing insistence on the need for O-Train service into Gatineau across the bridge.
Then we'll walk along the pathway to the Chaudiere Bridge, cross it, and walk by the War Museum to get another view of our favourite railway bridge, and on to Christ Church Cathedral , where all are invited to show their support for my comments to the NCC.
David G.
---When: May 16 - Time 1:30pm,
Where: City Hall Champlain Room
What: A joint committee meeting (Corporate Services and Economic Development) will hear comments from the public on the maintenance yard site selection, and will make a recommendation to council, based on the site selection report from the PWG and
consultant team.
---When May 24 - Time:
Where: City Hall - Andrew S. Haydon Hall
What: City Council meeting - will vote on where to put the maintenance yard.
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