City Council Update
Light Rail Transit Public Information
Council was informed of the launch of the City's new comprehensive Light Rail Transit Web site at This is the place to go for anyone looking for information on Ottawa's future public transportation system. It contains timelines for the construction project and links to other Light Rail Transit Web sites around the world. As the project moves forward, the site will grow to include project schedules, construction updates, information on Ottawa's future Light Rail Transit lines, and more.
Council was presented with an inventory of all the information, reports and documents on file with the City concerning the North-South Light Rail project. This includes background information on existing conditions, structures, features, utilities and properties as well as the design parameters as provided by the Environmental Assessment for the project. It also includes supplemental information; reports and related material developed to further assist the project proponents in their preparation of their submissions. The inventory included an indication from the project's Fairness Commissioner as to the appropriateness of public release of the information. The Fairness Commissioner elaborated on the rationale for the retention or release of information to the public. To speed up public viewing of the information, files of the material will be made available in a data Web site linked to the City's Light Rail Transit Web site. The data site should be operational by 1 March 2006.
This was posted originally on Also mentioned is the City of Ottawa's share of the provincial gas tax revenue: $27,404,852. Expect this to be consumed by the ever-expanding LRT project budget.
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