Save Our Greenspace

Ottawa Communities Fighting to Preserve Our Greenspace / Updates on the LRT Project

February 25, 2006

Sports Park would integrate well - Ottawa Citizen article

Author: Elizabeth Le Geyt
Ottawa Citizen, Feb 25, 2006

Excerpt from the article:
"A proposal for an Ottawa sports park, now before the Airport Transit Authority, Transport Canada, and the City of Ottawa, intends to create a sustainable development that will integrate soccer facilities into the existing natural area and will include a nature preserve in the traingle of land between the north end of Bowesville Road, the eastern end of Armstrong Road and High Road. The northern end of the park will have trails for winter skiing and bird and nature walks in the summer.

The sports park proposal suggests locating the new O-Train corridor along the old rail line that has been in disuse since the rails were torn up in 1999.

Moving the O-Train line and associated park and ride lots further south along Armstrong Road would reduce the financial and environmental costs of the rail line. This simple alteration would save the woods and allow the bluebirds to continue nesting there.
Click the pic or here for the full article.