Save Our Greenspace

Ottawa Communities Fighting to Preserve Our Greenspace / Updates on the LRT Project

June 26, 2006

Defer irrevocable contracts until post-election

The DCA is on record as asking Council to defer making any irrevocable decisions on the project until after the municipal elections. We have specific concerns about the project, namely: the North-South LRT will not address current congestion issues caused by east-west and Ottawa-Gatineau commuter traffic; the project is likely to increase traffic congestion in the downtown core by adding additional transit infrastructure and trolleys; we are concerned about the project's financial viability and the consequent impact on both expansion of the LRT and other transit improvements; and there has been insufficient meaningful public debate on this close to $800 million investment of public funds.

The LRT project staff have sponsored several open houses on aspects of the overall project and have made details available on the City's web site. Although valid first steps in public awareness, these initiatives cannot be considered as full public consultation. Including the LRT as part of the municipal election process will ensure a full airing of questions and concerns we all might have about the project and, frankly, will introduce much-needed political accountability for any decisions made.

The DCA is a strong supporter of public transportation, and we look forward to the implementation of an LRT system that makes environmental and economic sense for Ottawa. Given the significance of the project, we believe a short delay is warranted in order to "Get It Right." Time is of the essence since Councillors will vote to accept or reject the Siemens bid on July 14, 2006.

Please make the position of your community association a part of their deliberation process.

Best wishes,

Martha Musgrove, President
Dalhousie Community Association